Seasonal Alignment – Fall

The thing I love most about fall is everything. 🙂

The way the colors of the leaves, once green, transform into fiery red, burnt orange, and caramel brown. The way the weather cools, nudging me into my sweaters and boots. The misty mornings.

On a deeper level, on my walks, as I notice the leaves falling, my thoughts turn inward. For me, the season signals the time to take stock of what no longer serves me—an inner and outer inventory of what I too must release to create space and regain balance and peace.

So I ask myself the following:

  • What fears or habits keep me tethered in place, disconnected from the world around me?
  • What am I holding on to, and at what cost?
  • What clutter can be cleared to make our home more spacious?

The trees, unburdened by their leaves, remind me that letting go is not an end, but a threshold—a space cleared for renewal and possibility.

As autumn’s energy draws me deeper, inviting alignment with its wisdom, I sense a shift—a quiet movement away from fear and resistance toward curiosity and openness. By intentionally focusing on what I want to let go of this season, I find the beginnings of my inner work that will be my focus for the following year.

As autumn’s energy draws me deeper, inviting alignment with its wisdom, I sense a shift—a quiet movement away from fear and resistance toward curiosity and openness. By intentionally deciding what I wish to release this season, I lay the groundwork for my inner work, which will be my focus for the year ahead.

This curiosity I feel is tentative and bold, the kind that leans into the unknown, trusting it will hold.

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