Seasonal Alignment – Winter
This morning, our corner of the world slipped further into frost, sinking deeper into the stillness of Winter.
Delicate, frozen spider webs hung between branches and railings like garlands. I tried to capture their beauty with my camera but failed. None of the images I took even got close to capturing the beauty I was seeing.
As winter envelops us, I’ve been reflecting on how best to align with the energy of this season. For me, the season of winter not only invites us to rest but to also sink back into our roots to realign with the important things we may have lost touch with in our busy lives.
In the Fall, I decided to dedicate the year ahead to living more intentionally and aligned to the rhythm and wisdom of the seasons to see how this approach might deepen my connection to myself and the world around me. As my overarching focus for my personal growth for this year, I choose learning how to trust the process.
My reason for this focus is because recently I’ve noticed I’ve been setting high bars for myself and this has been killing my creativity and the joy it brings me. I don’t know why I’m putting extra pressure on myself to reach some idea of perfection but this needs to be looked into and gently broken down so that I can fall back in love with just being immersed in the creative process without needing to have a preset outcome.
Where the season of Fall was all about taking inventory of the things that no longer serve me and deciding what to let go of and focus on, I feel that Winter’s rhythm is all about deepening that process by surrendering to stillness so that I can find a way back to my intuitive voice.
I believe that the intuitive voice holds the answer to our deeper questions. It links us back to our embodied wisdom – a form of inner knowing that transcends logic and bridges the conscious and unconscious aspects of ourselves.
By listening to this voice, two important things happen.
We access a profound and holistic wisdom that reconnects us with our true selves and aligns us with our deepest values and purpose, helping us engage with the world around us in a more authentic and meaningful way. As we learn to trust this connection, we become more grounded, feeling secure in a truth that comes from within rather than being swayed by external pressures or uncertainties. With this steady inner foundation, we can approach life’s challenges with greater ease, clarity, confidence and trust.
At the same time when we listen to our intuitive voice, we often align with deeper rhythms, whether they are archetypal, natural, or cosmic, that connect us to the greater fabric of existence. This sense of connection helps us move beyond the confines of ego and personal experience, enabling us to access wisdom and guidance that feels part of a larger, interconnected whole. In this way, intuition reminds us that we are more than our egos – that we are part of something vast and meaningful, offering a sense of purpose, direction, and belonging that the ego alone can not provide.
The questions I’m asking myself to better align with the wisdom of this season are:
- How can I hold space for what feels difficult right now?
- What might emerge if I give myself permission to pause and listen?
Surrendering to stillness can feel uncomfortable, even counterintuitive. We’re so accustomed to striving and achieving that pausing can feel like a failure in some way. But Winter reminds us that stillness isn’t stagnation—it’s gestation. Beneath the frozen ground, seeds rest and gather strength, preparing for the burst of spring. Listening to our intuition is a way of gathering strength and nurturing a deeper connection to the flow of life, rather than forcing it to fit a rigid plan that oftentimes doesn’t align with our true happiness. Taking the time to surrender and align more deeply with ourselves can give us the clarity, connection, and wisdom we need to guide us forward in a more meaningful and intentional way.